Another update

1 min read

So I’ve updated my site again. This time. It’s bare. Very. Bare. Firstly, let’s talk a bit about the build.

Previously, I was using WordPress which I have now converted to using GitHub pages. The whole site is compiled with Jekyll and with Jekyll releasing it’s 2.0 update only a week or two ago and now supporting native SASS, I have dumped Grunt for my personal website—though still use it in other things—and opted in for “plain SASS” without the frameworks or libraries. Posts are published through the Terminal and written in HTML—could’ve done Markdown but just prefer HTML—my site feels so raw and minimal but without the functionality of just raw HTML. Win.

So why the switch?

WordPress was too much for me. 95% of features in WordPress I had never touched or I didn’t understand/ felt the need to use. This also bring me back to the purpose of my site. Never quite knew what I wanted it to do. It wasn’t a frequently updated blog; a couple posts a year at most, it wasn’t a proper portfolio site; especially now that my focus is not in that area anymore, and what I had planned to do show–case–like posts revolving around cool CSS stuff similar to Codrops didn’t work out either. Maybe it will now.

Anyway, keeping the setup very plain feels like I can do more with my site. Hope to bring more posts in the future!
